I felt compelled to share some thoughts about the Palisades ultra event. This year 2020 has been nothing short of unusual. I personally have wrestled with how to manage the Covid game plan. As a caregiver I have taken on so many precautions to protect the most vulnerable elderly. As an ultra runner I have tried not to let all the restrictions diminish the drive to push always towards adventure. If one is not careful, you can let fear control your pursuit to push yourself into the unknown.
As I found myself at the start line for the 100 miler, I felt so fortunate to have a race that had not been cancelled. The reason: The race organizers; They were just awesome, beautiful people... diverse, full of life, and a thirst to create a challenge for us runners and at the same time manage Covid concerns. This was my 2nd 100 and I was well trained. But anyone that has run one knows there are just so many things that you can't control in 100 miles; The distance is always humbling. The course was beautiful and difficult. My family was my crew and the particular aide station location was perfect to see them every 20 miles. I ran my race and I had the performance of my dreams. At a few minutes before the 50k start, nearly 25 hours later, I came into finish in first place to the cheers of racers, spectators, and family. The adrenaline surged thru my veins as I sprinted up the stairs and rang the bell! At that moment...pure energy....and then silence...as the national anthem was sung. Wow! I had started the day earlier to the same song that I now had finished to.

Thank you to everyone from the race managers, volunteers, fellow racers, and to my family. My success was as much mine as yours.
